I provide practice-oriented knowledge and skills. I agree with my mix of methods that my participants can effectively and comprehensively reach the agreed action goals.
In my formats, I rely on procedures and strategies that facilitate personal work and increase the effectiveness. During the seminar, the participants themselves apply the methods as part of their own tasks and benefit from my structured trainer feedback.
Method mix (in %)
Expertise matrix
INTRODUCTION | Acquire expertise | Developing a realistic self-image | Perceiving others in their own way | Get to know methods | Reflect on your own actions |
DEEPENING | Apply expertise | Promote strengths, work on weaknesses | Being able to communicate with others | Use methods | Change your own actions |
MASTERY | Passing on expertise | Convincing appearance to others | Take responsibility for the community | Think and act methodically | Act cooperative and effective |
Turn traditional learning upside down
The presentation of content in my formats takes place primarily through preparatory tasks, result presentations in changing small groups, reflections of actual and target states and other interactive tasks.
The deepening of knowledge is achieved in particular by practical applications with professional support and direct feedback “on-the-job”.
Many contents are developed by my participants according to the principle of learning and experiencing independently in small groups. Due to the high personal contribution and numerous practical tasks, the participants quickly develop a good understanding.
An essential effect of interactive knowledge transfer is that all participants are active, able to think at any time, and then are able to correctly classify and combine the newly acquired knowledge. During the course of the events, the quality of the questions asked by the participants increases, as they are encouraged to bring in their different perspectives.
When things that I should learn or do suddenly make fun.
When playing, people get to know each other better than by talking for hours. With this method I help to learn content with ease and to playfully generate solutions to a task.
At its core is the application of principles from games in a non-playful context. I translate communication techniques from the professional field into the private sphere. The change of setting creates more ease and a better understanding of each other.
In practice, different techniques or strategies based on games and exercises are “child’s play” internalized.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
In my formats, I use different NLP methods and techniques to consciously, purposefully and effectively develop the participants’ communication processes.
Because most participants work and trade in their teams in at least one of three levels:
1. Entrepreneur / decision maker level
2. Leadership level
3. Sales / service level
Each of these levels has to do with a high proportion of other people and thus with communication. Therefore, I focus on different levels of verbal and non-verbal communication for all levels.
By means of NLP, I promote the conscious use of language and communication – and thus one of the essential skills in order to be able to develop successfully in professional and private coexistence.
Transactional analysis
With the transactional analysis, I use a psychological concept to explain the human personality structure, in order to understand comprehensibly the basic effects of behavior and communication on my participants.
First of all, when dealing with difficult situations and issues, I refer to TA techniques, e.g. Complaint management, objection treatment or de-escalation behavior.
The deliberate use of transaction analysis has a high degree of effectiveness and serves to reflect and expand personal competencies in communication.
Please send me your individual inquiry or request, which I shall personally attend to.